
Breathwork Clinic
to Jun 9

Breathwork Clinic

This class is for anyone who wants to breathe better. You may have a specific breathing disorder, a goal of increasing your endurance or strength or deepening your mental strength, or to address a feeling of not getting enough air or feeling stuck in your breath. It has been shown that breathing can help us ward of disease and illness as well.

This clinic will alleviate stress and anxiety, while helping with concentration and sleep. Breathing exercises are good for your lungs, posture, oxygen intake, and blood pressure.

We will start each class with breathing drills to expand our lungs then move into strength specific motion with use of our breath and gravity to assist the body through its full range of motion. We will then take our breathing into a cardio setting, working to be in the moment and push past our own limitations. To finish, we will recover with breath lead stretches.

Are you ready to breathe easier, improve your concentration and physical capabilities, increase your mental stamina and learn to relax and ward off stress? Join us for this 6-week clinic.

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Stretching for Performance Clinic
to May 17

Stretching for Performance Clinic

Our Stretching for Performance clinic is coming up! Learn how to uncover your potential, avoid injury and recover faster.

Fascia is the vast network of connective tissue that runs through your whole body. It surrounds your muscles, nerves, bones, joints and organs. Many injuries and loss of flexibility over time, including range of motion, involve the fascia, so it is important to keep the joints lubricated and reduce tension in the fascia. During this 6-week series, we will train your body to gain flexibilty, but also to increase mobility to last a lifetime. This class will help you recover from and avoid back and knee pain, improve your circulation, sleep better and ramp up the ability of the digestive system.

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Running Strength Clinic
to Apr 7

Running Strength Clinic

During our 6-week running clinic, we will be performing and perfecting strength exercises that are shown to significantly reduce risk of injury. With coaches on hand to assist with proper technique, you will learn to engage and strengthen the muscles that will help you become a stronger, faster and more resilient runner.

When you run, the muscles in your legs support two to three times your body weight with every step. You also have to learn to balance because each time you land on one foot, you are performing a single leg stance exercise. Strength exercises build those muscles for strength and balance so that you can run longer and stronger and avoid injuries.

Be proactive about strength training your body before the cardio training gets underway. Join us for this 6-week clinic and get ready to set a new PR!

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